Idiot's Guide to Reddit

Idiot's Guide to Reddit


In many cases, we all need the simplest possible explanation for something.  It is a fact of life that no matter how hard we try to "get it," we are stymied until we hear it explained to use like we are in elementary school.

This was the case for me not too long ago.  It happened to be for Reddit, "a type of online community where users vote on content to take part in a reddit community."  Call it a mental block or simply glazing over the obvious, I just couldn't wrap my head around this type of user community and how it could be used in general as well as for disaster management. 

I found two great videos that led me to my aha moment and succinctly explain what Reddit is and how it works:


The first time I experienced Reddit's prominence was in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombings.  Reddit users upvoted article(s) that incorrectly identified a suspect.  This reporting was grossly negligent and contributed significantly to rumors that should never have gotten the attention they did.     




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