Upcoming Emergency Preparedness Webinars

Webinars are a great way to learn about a new topic. The Safe+Ready Institute is sponsoring a series of great and free webinars over the next few months. I hope you can join!

Business Continuity Planning and IT Recovery with Donald Schmidt

March 30, 2017 @ 1 pm ET

You will learn how to:

  1. Identify potential hazards that could disrupt your business or ruin your organization. This includes identifying those with highest probability of occurring with the greatest impact.
  2. Implement a comprehensive program to address risk mitigation and hazard response and recovery. This includes the key elements detailed in NFPA 1600. 
  3. Understand the key components of a comprehensive emergency management/business continuity program. This includes program management, planning, implementation, training and education, tests and exercises, and improvement planning.
  4. Use various resources to support all tasks associated with business continuity and emergency management. Below is an example of an essential resource.

Zombie Incident Preparedness Training with Susan Sanderson

April 25, 2017 @ 1 pm ET

  • Stay Informed
  • Create an emergency plan
  • Communicate during emergencies
  • Get supplies and create a kit
  • Help others
  • Practice your response
  • Provide basic medical care
  • Prepare your kids, pets and elders

Active Shooter Consequence Management with Chris Floyd

May 18, 2017 @ 1 pm ET

  • Details TBD